Privet! Я Юля! I'm Yulia!

I teach real authentic practical Russian to help you express yourself and connect with people.

I am a certified Russian teacher with 8 years experience. But I'm also a student. Learning new languages was a real game changer for me. It made me more open-minded and it gave me the chance to meet so many beautiful people around the globe. 

I want it to happen for you too! 

My mission is make learning Russian easier, less tedious, more affordable.  I want to build a community of people who are curious about this beautiful and tricky language!  
Join us on Instagram (Russian.Connection).

If you are just starting out, this is going to be very useful


Leave your details down below and I'll send you  FREE PDF containing 55 MOST COMMON PHRASES in Russian, with practical examples and audio📢 made easy to remember!