russian beginner course

Russian Pro Beginner Course Content


This course consists of 23 units divided into 115 mini lessons. 
👩‍🏫40+ hours of video lessons

✍️300+ exercises


The knowledge and skills you get after the course are equal to those after 8-10 months of weekly one-to-one or group classes. With this course you can get those skills in less time and with way less investment.

Lesson 1 (bonus for absolute beginners):
Alphabet, Basic Reading rules and reading&writing practice
Lesson 2 (bonus for absolute beginners):
Vocabulary: Greetings, My names is, Names in Russian
Grammar: Gender of Nouns
Lesson 3 
Vocabulary: Professions, Common Adjectives
Grammar: Personal Pronouns, Plural of Nouns, how to use adjectives
Lesson 4
Vocabulary: Basic verbs, Очень vs много (much, a lot)
Grammar: Verbs in the present, How to say There is/ there are,  It is…, How to say I’ve got
Lesson 5
Vocabulary: Most practical and helpful Question word (что значит, что такое, кто, что, как, куда, как по-русски etc), Linking words (и, но, а, тоже. или, а ещё etc), Adverbs of time, I’m from
Lesson 6
Vocabulary: Colors, Words around us, how to say “I like”
Grammar: Это, demonstrative pronouns
Lesson  7
Vocabulary: Cloths
Grammar: Possessive pronouns
Lesson 8
Vocabulary: Family members and closest circle
Grammar: Introduction to Russian cases, Prepositional case
Lesson 9
Vocabulary: Adverbs of time
Grammar: Past tense of the verbs, Future tense
Lesson 10
Vocabulary: Days of the week
Grammar: Accusative case, Adjectives vs adverbs
Lesson 11
Vocabulary: Food, common verbs used with accusative case
Grammar: accusative case
Lesson 12
Vocabulary: numbers, how to ask for price, extended family, how to say “have a good day/ great trip”, etc
Grammar: Genitive  case,  prepositions with genitive case
Lesson 13
Vocabulary: seasons, directions, weather, idioms about the weather, months, regions of Russia
Phonetic: tips that will help you improve your pronunciation
Lesson 14
Vocabulary: vacation, travel vocabulary, transport, nature, hobbies vocabulary
Grammar: verb to go 101
Lesson 15
Vocabulary: I can, I must, I should, I need, how to ask permission
Grammar: modal verbs conjugation, Dative case, prepositions with dative case
Lesson 16
Vocabulary: frequently used verbs, useful everyday words
Grammar: aspects of verbs: perfective vs imperfective verbs, imperative mood
Lesson 17
Vocabulary: seasons and parts of the day, how to wish happy holidays, frequently used reflexive verbs, commonly confused words (to start, to finish), verbs used with instrumental case
Grammar: Instrumental case, how to conjugate reflexive verbs
Lesson 18
Vocabulary: to go идти- ходить - ездить - ехать, to come, to arrive, to come back, to leave, how to say “to come over”
Grammar: to go - detailed explanation how to use them, prepositions with words of motion
Lesson 19
Vocabulary: words from listening practice
Grammar: Plural of nouns in all cases
Lesson 20
Vocabulary: свой vs мой, how to say “what is it called?”, all and whole
Grammar: Plural of adjectives in all cases, personal pronouns recap in all cases
Lesson 21
Vocabulary: how to say “some & several, something”, more ways to say “thank you” and “you’re welcome”, common prepositions
Grammar: prepositions + cases
Lesson 22
Vocabulary: rooms and furniture
Grammar: practicing prepositions
Lesson 23
Practice everything we’ve learned in the course by writing, translating, reading, listening, quiz, playing games and more. This section is constantly being updated.

Highlights of the course

🏐 Practical approach. Unlike most of the courses that only provide you with videos, the highlight of this course is quizzes, interactive games and practical tasks where you need to go over the same language patterns over and over again, which helps you memorize new information.

Even if you know the topic, I suggest that you do at least some exercises. Many students say they discovered new information in the videos on the topics they thought they already knew.


🎾 You learn the language for the sake of communicating with locals and consume information, right? That's why I picked authentic videos (TV commercials, songs, sketches, instagram shorts) and included them to the course so that you get used to real, not textbook Russian.

📲You can download the app and follow the course on the app or access it from the desktop. Write me on Telegram, and I’ll help you install it.

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